Meet the team: Priyanka Rao

What is your role at Greendeck? What does your day-to-day look like?

I am a product specialist at Greendeck. My day-to-day responsibilities include finding out the best companies whom we can provide value to, identifying the most suitable leads, collecting data and passing on all of this information to the sales manager for our email campaigns.

Tell us something interesting about you!

Gym, sports and fitness is kind of 'my thing'. I am a state level Taekwondo player and a gold medalist at the state level strength lifting championship. I also enjoy dancing, and when I miss my yoga or gym class, I dance at home.

Apart from this I have been singing since I was 6, so the love for music has always been present. I can listen to music all day - whether soothing or energising. I also occasionally write poetry.

What do you like most about the workplace?

Being a college girl, I thought it would be quite difficult for me to settle in the work culture, but seeing the young team here at Greendeck, it made me feel otherwise. Here, everyone is constantly helping and supporting each other despite their busy schedules. And I think the most exciting thing about working in a startup is you get to learn directly from your seniors which is really great. Learning something new every day kind of keeps me motivated to give my best. I was lucky to find such an opportunity while still in college.

What did you do before joining Greendeck?

Well, before joining Greendeck, I was (and still am!) pursuing engineering in Electronics and Communication. I was a normal college student who slept during lectures (only the boring ones😛). But I did have 100 percent attendance and topped in one of the semesters. And also I had a keen interest in learning new things and kept myself updated with new technologies and advancements across all fields.

Who is your role model?

Not just one, there are many people in different fields who inspire me. I am singing since I was 6 year old, and I grew up listening to Shreya Ghoshal's voice. The way she modulates her voice, even at high pitches, is beautiful. Mother Teresa, who devoted her life to help the poor and the homeless. Mahatma Gandhi, his unchanging belief in non-violence inspires me. Also Newton's curiosity. Everyone could see that an apple falls down. But he saw past this trivial fact to understand what's really happening in the background.

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